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Steve Goodie



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Mikey Mason



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Joe J Thomas


Bacon Bits!

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FuMP News


FuMPFest 2024 T-Shirt

by Devo Spice

We are now taking pre-orders for this year's t-shirt. If you are attending FuMPFest this year you can pick up your shirt there and your shipping will be refunded after the event. If not, your shirt will be shipped after the event. Last year we made too many shirts so this year we are not going to have as many made up, so get your pre-orders in to make sure you can get your size.

Preorder Now


The FuMP AI Policy

by Devo Spice

As generative AI becomes more prevalent we have been forced to decide how we want to deal with songs that are AI-generated. We have decided we do not want AI-generated songs posted to the main page of The FuMP, but we will allow them on the Sideshow. So if you have an AI-generated song you'd like to share please post it to the Sideshow.

AI is a broad term that gets thrown around a lot and we want to be clear we are not banning all uses of AI. If an artist wants to use AI to help in the production of a song that is fine, such as changing voices, pitch correction, etc., but the song needs to be mostly human produced. Technically drum machines and MIDI are forms of AI and we're certainly not prohibiting those. But we don't want to be inundated with AI-generated songs.


The FuMP Volume 105 Now Available

by Devo Spice

The FuMP Volume 105 which contains all the songs we posted during May and June is now shipping!

The FuMP Volume 105 contains all of the songs we posted during May and June of 2024, including the FuMP debuts of Burblesbelly and Dr. Sarcofiguy!

This album starts out with the speculative question from Toby Danger, what if there was a show in the 80s where Jean Claude Van Damme turned into a car, and ends with the age old question from Devo Spice, what else can I sue you for?

This album features two birthday songs, a tribute to AARP, and one of the few songs written about Spider Man from J. Jonah Jameson's point of view.

The bonus video is an interview with Derwood Bowen about his song "Birthday" since we missed him on The FuMPCast.

StoreClick here to learn more.


Regarding TV's Kyle

by Devo Spice

To say we at The FuMP were all shocked to learn about the recent developments regarding Kyle Carrozza, aka TV’s Kyle, would be an understatement. We are appalled and feel completely betrayed that someone who was such an integral part of our community could do something like this. We are still processing the information and it’s going to take time to come to terms with it.

For the time being, we have removed Kyle’s listing from the Artists page and removed his songs from the random player at the bottom of the site. However, we are not going to delete his songs from the archive entirely. To do so would be to rewrite history and deny he was ever an important part of The FuMP, so his songs will remain in the archive. They can be accessed by paging through the Archive page or by searching for them.

Our thoughts at this time are with his family and friends and anyone who may have been victimized by his actions.


The FuMP Volume 104 Now Available

by Devo Spice

The FuMP Is proud to present our 104th compilation album, featuring all the songs we posted to during March and April of 2024, including two tracks from Via Bella's new album Live from Germany, an updated early song from Ookla the Mok, and the first new song from Project Sisyphus in seven years.

Steve Goodie brings us two new parodies about Canada and hygiene, Insane Ian gets something off his chest, and TV's Kyle does... what Kyle does.

This album also features a video of Devo Spice and Luke Ski running down the FuMP's timeline on the FuMPCast.

Click Here to Order

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