What Is The FuMP?

The FuMPty dance is your chance to do The FuMP.

Your Online Source for New Funny Songs

The FuMP, or The Funny Music Project, is a collaborative effort made up of a team of talented comedy-musicians, dedicated to giving you the best new comedy music around. Each Tuesday and Friday (and on the occasional Sunday) we post a new song to TheFuMP.com. These songs are available as free downloads for a limited time, or as high quality downloads for $.99 each.

Our artists are well-known on The Dr. Demento Show, including the great Luke Ski—Dr. Demento's most requested artist of the 21st century—Carla Ulbrich, Insane Ian, Power Salad, Devo Spice, Worm Quartet, Tom Smith, Robert Lund and Spaff.com, The Library Bards, Mikey Mason, Bonecage, Dino-Mike, and many more. We've even posted songs by Jonathan Coulton, MC Lars, The Doubleclicks, Whitney Avalon, Paul and Storm, and Mike McCormick of The Arrogant Worms. We have posted songs by over 160 diffrent artists!

Every two months we produce a new compilation album of all the songs posted. We also, whenever possible, include a bonus video on the album of a live performance, behind-the-scenes footage, or an interview with an artist. Since our inception The FuMP has released over 1700 songs and produced over 100 compilation albums. These albums, and other merchandise, are available for purchase in our store.

The FuMP offers two levels of subscriptions for people who download or collect a lot of comedy music. Level 1 is $4.99 per month and offers unlimited high quality downloads, including all the songs in our Archive and even the digital FuMP compilation albums in our store. We also offer a high quality RSS feed for people who prefer to receive their songs via a podcast, and all subscriptions disable third-party ads on the site. Level 2 is $9.99 per month and offers all that plus the physical CDs which are mailed out every two months. For more information on our subscriptions visit our Subscriptions page.

And for those people who enjoy seeing funny music live, each year The FuMP produces a convention filled with live comedy-music called FuMPFest. Past guests include Dr. Demento, The Arrogant Worms, Paul and Storm, Henry Phillips, Tim Cavanagh, Peter Wildman of The Frantics, Carla Ulbrich, Jeff Whitmire, the great Luke Ski, Dan Hart, The Library Bards, Rob Paravonian, Reformed Whores, Tom Smith, and many, many more. The event also features panels, interviews, movie screenings, and the ever-popular Dumb Parody Ideas contest. For more information on FuMPFest or to register for the next event visit FuMPFest.com.

We are very proud of what we have built here. The FuMP has become an important part of our lives. We've made a lot of amazing new friends, been involved in some fantastic projects, and produced some of the funniest songs ever recorded. So come in, have a look around, explore our archive, check out our Store, but most importantly, just hit the Play button below and start listening now.


The views and opinions expressed by artists both in songs or posted elsewhere on the internet are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect those of The FuMP, its organizers, staff, volunteers, or other artists.
