Deep within their secret lair, three mad scientists, their lab assistants, and one smart-alecky robot are hatching an evil plot: TO ROCK the EARTH into OBLIVION!
My fellow scientists, ladies, gentlemen and members of the worldwide PRESS, allow me to introduce myself, for soon MY NAME will be a household WORD. I am Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III, founder and leader of the Consortium of Genius - a group best known as the C.O.G.!!!
Since 1996 we have been devoting all our TIME, TALENT, and obvious GOOD LOOKS into the singleminded pursuit of TAKING OVER THE WORLD. Except for that one time we attempted to DESTROY the world... but I digress. Look, we ARE going to take over the world, whether the world is ready for us or not! And we intend to accomplish this worthy goal in the LOUDEST manner possible. Or my name isn't Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III!!!
Think YOU can stop us?!?? Go ahead and try... I DARE you. I DOUBLE DARE YOU!!! Mwahahahahahahaha! Heh.
For more information on Consortium Of Genius please visit the artist's web site at: