We are a Chaotic Cooperative of Comedy Performers from the adult entertainment and aeronautics underworlds.
Our Comrade Spaff solicits Contributions from music's biggest Celebrities. When they say no, he enlists People from the FuMP.
The strategy must work: "Smells Like Karen Carpenter" won the Comedy/Novelty Category of the 2011 International Songwriting Competition and Outstanding Parody Song in the first-ever Logan Whitehurst Memorial Awards for Excellence in Comedy Music.
Other Cosmonaut Coups include Cameo Pieces by "Weird Al" Yankovic and Radio Hall of Famer Dr. Demento in "If I Could Be Weird Al."
Our Collective Comeliness has been Captured by Pinup artist Andrew Bawidamann.
For more information on Moneyshot Cosmonauts please visit the artist's web site at: http://www.spaff.com