Are you curious what life will be like once Robert Lund is elected President? Here's a hint: start ironing your toga. Meanwhile, his campaign theme is this parody of Weezer's "Beverly Hills." It's track 8 of 15 on the brand-spanking new CD "Politicked Off!" - which you MUST buy to support the cause. Check it out at Spaff.com.
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MarlinsGirl - Oct 16, 2007
This is an awesome parody.
devospice - Oct 16, 2007
You got my vote!
djseamus - Oct 16, 2007
"God Bless Margaritaville"? Are you running for Fump president or is Jimmy Buffet? In this scenario I don't know who would get my vote...guess I've just given out one of my guilty pleasures :^) What a great song here, Rob. Hail to the parody!
seamonkey - Oct 16, 2007
Hmmm, let me get this straight...
Great band does crap song (Weezer does "Beverly Hills")
Great parodiest pans crap system (RL/Spaff does Capitol Hill)....
YES, my vote is for Lund/Spaff '08!!! (I think I may actually do that as a write-in....)
Can't wait to get this disc in my X-Mas pile (a bunch of you will be on my list this year, FuMPers!)
Proving once again that Lund/Spaff is THE team to support of the FuMP party! (er, can I be surgeon general or something when you're elected?)
artpaul - Oct 17, 2007
Hey thanks for sharing that it reminds me of one I wrote that I think you like called Politics Sucks Blues which is at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/artpaul17
ProjectSisyphus - Oct 18, 2007
Works for me! BTW, you have email from a senator wanting to "be in your cabinet"...said something about taking a "wide stance" on the issues...
- Oct 18, 2007
Well, I doubt ANYONE could do worse than Bush.
Neat recording, by the way
Sparklez - Oct 18, 2007
Yet another classic political parody from the wonderful duo that is Spaff/Lund. Sorry boys but Stephen Colbert is getting my this year, maybe next term? :P And 3 comments ^above^, I think Art Paul just had a Luke Ski moment!
Derwood Bowen - Oct 18, 2007
So much for "Vote for Pedro." Vote for Lund/Spaff '08!
ThatCrazyCajun - Oct 18, 2007
Lund/Spaff in '08 - Forget who can carry Iowa and New Hampshire; elect someone who can carry a tune! Spankin' parody work, guys!
rick cormier - Oct 22, 2007
Brilliant as always!
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Hurricane - Oct 16, 2007
Another great parody, and yes- what would your platform be exactly Mr. Lund? If Free Beer Day is on it you have my vote! ^_^