The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


lukeski - Apr 10, 2020

WOOO! GREAT JOB Carrie and Jace! :D

oddaustin - Apr 10, 2020

Those vocals are damned impressive.

JoeActor - Apr 10, 2020

Lovely... simply lovely ;-)

wildcard9 - Apr 10, 2020

Excellent song!

weirdojace - Apr 12, 2020

Happy to have helped with this!

h333 - Jun 4, 2022

CAPITAL TREASON. General Patton would have had you hung upside down or shot by a firing squad. You are an enemy of the republic and a communist PATHOLOGICAL ALTRUIST psychiatric patient who refuses treatment. From a spiritual standpoint you're going to hell. Doing and saying shit because *everyone else is doing it * doesnt make you a hero it makes you a LICKSPITTLE and a threat to free society. How the f*ck did 10000's of men die for freedom and this FONGOOL is still allowed to wander around outside of a pow camp.

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