Well, it's Friday the 13th! You know what that means! Yes, it's time for another undead hockey player's killing spree! I love the Friday the 13th movies. All of them. Well, except Jason Goes To Hell. That one was dumb. And that's saying something after the previous 8 movies.
This song is a parody of "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I'm sorry. I'm so very very sorry. But I had this idea and it just wouldn't go away. For this song I enlisted the help of ShiSho, the young band from Ohio you may have seen perform at Con On The Cob for the past couple years. Plus about half of the screams you hear were submitted my fans.
Copy the code below and paste it on your web site, blog, or anywhere you can input HTML to share this song.
Derwood Bowen - Jan 13, 2012
Wow! That was awesome!
ShiSho - Jan 13, 2012
To quote Rebecca Black, "We we we so excited!" Hey, just because her song
ShiSho - Jan 13, 2012
To quote Rebecca Black, "We we we so excited!" Hey, just because her song
Zahooee - Jan 13, 2012
This is 28 different kinds of awesome! My day started out crappy and was on a downward spiral (nothing to do with it being the 13th) and I noticed that the new FuMP song was on my phone. By the second verse I was laughing so hard, I had to pull over. Seriously. No exaggeration. For the record, after listening to this, I see "Tile Guy" in a whole new light. I vote we keep him out of the Home Center from now on. To many sharp, pointy objects...
devospice - Jan 13, 2012
Uhhh, no. It says "Heading off to camp like I do every year." Trust me, I wouldn't go there.
garnsr - Jan 13, 2012
Does it say "Heading off to camp like a Jew every year?" I haven't seen the movie (I'm not sure why, at this point) maybe it's about a Jewish summer camp? But Jews going off to camp and then getting killed brought other thoughts to mind after hearing this line, which I'm not sure I heard right, but I went back several times and that's sure what it sounds like to me.
onib - Jan 13, 2012
This was really fantastic. ShiSho did a great job, and the effects blending turned out quite well. I quite like the louder "squishy" sound effect right after the eyeball bit.
Insane Ian - Jan 13, 2012
This is awesome. Great work ShiSho and Devo! Now, to finish MY Friday parody...
lukeski - Jan 13, 2012
Who's scarier? Jason or Rebecca Black? Great job Devo and ShiSho! Now to get to work on my parody of the Double Rainbow song about the Human Centipede, "Triple Butthole".
mrwompy - Jan 13, 2012
Man ... that scared the hell out of me!! I don't want to go out the front door now ....
ldlang - Jan 13, 2012
Can't mask it, this one is a nice addition to your bloody body of works.
A-Log - Jan 13, 2012
Nice to hear myself screaming bloody murder in there! Didn't expect it like this though.
davewhite - Jan 14, 2012
Terrific!! Very well done. I will be using this one. Thanks Devo.
dino-mike - Jan 14, 2012
HAHAHAHA!!! About time someone make a good Friday the 13th song! Great job dude!!!
wildcard9 - Jan 16, 2012
Wow, fantastic song!! I was at a con this weekend so didn't hear it until Monday.
ProjectSisyphus - Jan 18, 2012
Great parody of a so-deserving song. Luke I like your idea too.
chicagofan76 - Jan 24, 2012
Nice to know Rebecca Black's "Friday" was finally good for something...Can I say that this will be the best overall song of 2012 already.
Carrie Dahlby - Jan 26, 2012
Did you see this t-shirt? http://www.snorgtees.com/t-shirts/gettin-down-on-a-friday
batlrar - Jan 27, 2012
So, today I woke up with a certain ... song stuck in my head, and I figure I'll check the FuMP to replace it with anything at all. I flip through the page to see where I last left off, and see this song title. Now the song will never leave my head, even long after I've replaced it with all robot pieces. That being said, this was about the best you could have done with the source!
chicagofan76 - Sep 13, 2013
It's Friday!!! Posted the song on facebook.
BrennanHarvey - Feb 13, 2015
It's Friday the 13th. Gotta listen to one of my favorite songs.
chicagofan76 - May 13, 2016
It's Friday, the 13th. Live this song.
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weirdojace - Jan 13, 2012
fffffffffffff ahahahahahahaa