The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


minkwheel - Apr 28, 2017

Stupid as charged! -- and I love hearing Geddy Watanabe from UHF in the mix.... Great JOB Devo!

Insane Ian - Apr 28, 2017

This is excellent. Between your ridiculous raps and this, and me and Kyle doing the same thing with requesting song titles on FB and Twitter, we could have a whole series of albums based on suggestions!

holybongwater - Apr 29, 2017

Awesome idea, this is really funny

madmanOTL - May 1, 2017

This song closes out what has been one of the best months of releases on the FuMP in a while.

dino-mike - May 1, 2017

This song is pretty spectacular. Nicely done Devo.

Alverant - May 1, 2017

So why should gravity pull down heavier objects faster than lighter objects?

EclecticLee - May 12, 2017

Physics nerd says, "gravity doesn't make things fall at 32 ft/sec, it makes them accelerate at 32 ft/sec/sec (or 32 ft/secĀ²)." But don't listen to him because no one ever does.

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