The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


minkwheel - Jun 7, 2011

Ehpik Wynn

seamonkey - Jun 7, 2011

My cat is afraid of today's kid's grammar....

madmanOTL - Jun 7, 2011

My grandfather got very excited and emotional about game 5 of the 1959 World Series rooting for the White Sox and died of a heart attack on the day off between games. My mom reminds me of that all the time.

Craig the Silent Salad - Jun 7, 2011

My mother had tickets to the never-played Game 5 of the 1954 Series, so the anguish of it is part of my DNA.

madmanOTL - Jun 7, 2011

With the song covering bad grammar and sports, I get the full squeee effect from this. After hearing this, I wondered why no mention of the 1954 World Series where Giants pitch hitter Dusty Rhodes (no relation to the wrestler) hit two cheap 275 foot home runs down the left field line in the Polo Grounds to beat the heavily favored Indians then I realized those who were around in 1954 (and lost a lot of money betting on it) are now very old.

onib - Jun 7, 2011

Damn it, now I want a FuMP album dedicated to grammar. This was fantastic. You truly are a Strunkin' Wit.

wildcard9 - Jun 7, 2011

Ah, the joys of local sports teams. And how disappointing they are for the fans. Of course, I am guilty often of this mis-spelling. I think my mental spellchecker needs an upgrade.

Carrie Dahlby - Jun 7, 2011

One of my pet peeves beautifully captured in song format! Another four-letter word is LOVE! :)

Insane Ian - Jun 7, 2011

Next song should involve the beating of those who type "should of" instead of "should've" or "should have"

maxgoof - Jun 7, 2011

Those who use "loose" instead of "lose" should be punished by getting the table near the band!

ladyomniscience - Jun 7, 2011

Thank you for this song. It's nice to know that there are other people out there who are just as annoyed by these things as I am. And linguistic rants are always so much more fun when they're in song form.

mrwompy - Jun 7, 2011

Just like you did with "It's Its", you have addressed another one of my pet peeves. Great song!!

devospice - Jun 7, 2011

Just yesterday a co-worker came to me with an edit on a project that said "loose the opening comment." I told him I would make it looser for him. I'm forwarding this song to him now. :)

Insane Ian - Jun 7, 2011


maxgoof - Jun 7, 2011

I agree with Ian. In fact, this one should of been about it.

nick007 - Jun 8, 2011

Sorry for blank post. Accidentally hit Enter. I don't get this song but I'm dyslexic & not into sports.

ProjectSisyphus - Jun 8, 2011

Absolutely fantastic, guys. Hilarious lyrics, awesome musicianship and orchestration, great vocal. This song will cheer me up if the Canucks loose to the Bruins tonight.

nick007 - Jun 8, 2011

dino-mike - Jun 9, 2011

Absolutely fabulous production! Well done Mr. Salad.

voiceroy - Jun 9, 2011

This is the new theme song for Grammar Nazis everywhere. Bravo!

CaptNova - Jun 11, 2011

Cleveland and Buffalo are two cities that have something in common. Both called the mistake on the lake and the sports teams can't win a championship to save there lives.

PowerSalad - Jun 11, 2011

Thanks everyone for the comments! So who thinks CaptNova has triggered the next tune in the Power Salad Grammar Trilogy??!! :-D OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Adam - Jun 11, 2011

I have read threw CaptNovas' post several thymes, and can't find this "trigger" of witch you speak. Their seams two bee know errors.

chicagofan76 - Jun 17, 2011

Now please make a song about Defense vs Defence....chatroom sports fans drive me crazy saying that this team or that team has no defence!? what? learn to spell.

batlrar - Jun 23, 2011

@chicagofan76, defence is the British spelling. Anyway, excellent song! I always seem to be a fan of the spelling or grammar songs, which I hope doesn't speak too many volumes about me.

Knarf - Jun 29, 2012

When "loose" is used as a verb it means "to relax or release". So once Chris starts shouting "I'm loosing it!" I can't help but hope he brought a change of pants with him.

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