For nearly 20 years now Ookla has set about the task of pairing Earth's Catchiest Melodies with The Most Impenetrable Lyrics In The World (patent pending). In that fine tradition, we present Mr. Mxyzptlk/Bizarro World.
For full and proper enjoyment of this song, we suggest that you obtain a working knowledge of French. It is also recommended that you possess a Mark Waid-level familiarity with Superman's rogues gallery.
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wildcard9 - May 29, 2012
Me hate this song!! It is awful, worst thing Oooka the Mok has ever done!! I will never listen to this song again!! I not return to 5th dimension now. 9draCdliW
Insane Ian - May 29, 2012
My God...this is genius. The two verses before the second bridge (the ones that start with Schadenfreude and end with ennui) are some of the most brilliant lines I've ever heard committed to song. Excellent work, gentlemen. I mean this entirely in in a non-Bizzaro way.
Googlephonic - May 29, 2012
Goodbye! Me not love this song! Me not find out me know less than Mark Waid! Mxyzptlk ending not hilarious! Me not suggest Otto as another good name for Mxy! Hello!
Errol - May 29, 2012
Ha! That's great. I haven't heard the name Mxyzptlk in a long time. :D
garnsr - May 29, 2012
I'm not sure there's any good reason for the song to descend into French, but it was nice having to use my brain to figure out what the song was saying.
iheartfunnymusic - May 29, 2012
Sheesh. I had to look up half the words in this song on Wikipedia and the other half in the Encyclopedie Francais. And gentlemen, I'm the nerdiest nerd in the western hemisphere. Let me pass on some advice that I never thought I'd hear myself say: Go play outside. Get some sun and fresh air. And a little exercise wouldn't kill you, either.
davidtanny - May 29, 2012
What if Mr. Mxyzptlk was one of us...
ladyomniscience - May 30, 2012
Gah! That hurt my brain. The bridge is pretty awesome, though.
Jadasc - Jun 1, 2012
If you mashup this weeks' songs, you get the journey of a conquistador to Per
Jeff Reuben - Jun 8, 2012
Awesome song, especially liked the Mxyzptlk beginning part.
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devospice - May 29, 2012
Holy crap that Mr. Mxyzptlk thing at the beginning floored me. I'm suddenly remembering all those old Superfriends cartoons I watched as a kid and replacing his name in my head. Awesome. :)