One of the worst things about being a computer programmer is picking up a project that someone else started. There will invariably be differences in coding styles that you will either have to adapt to or work around, and almost always the person who worked on the project before you was an idiot undeserving of the job title "programmer."
And one of the worst feelings in the world is looking at that terrible code and realizing you were the idiot who wrote it.
This is a parody of "Old Town Road" by Li'l Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus.
lyrics, vocals: Devo Spice and Shoebox
manager: Sara Trice
music: Devo Spice
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Madmike - Feb 21, 2020
This song had my laughing in my car this morning.
JoeActor - Feb 21, 2020
gamerchick - Feb 21, 2020
This is one of my favorite things that I've heard on the FuMP for a while. Great stuff!
Craig the Silent Salad - Feb 21, 2020
Been there, recompiled that. Very funny.
seamonkey - Feb 23, 2020
This cements ShoEboX as one damn underrated vocalist.
weirdojace - Feb 24, 2020
Great parody!
stevegoodie - Feb 24, 2020
Yeah! That's one spicy box of shoes!
kornflake - Feb 24, 2020
I'm so glad this parody exists :)
smyle - Feb 25, 2020
I'm a sysadmin. I rarely do "programming". This song is the reason why. This is amazing.
psywildfire - Feb 28, 2020
This hits a little too close to home. Well done!
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Alverant - Feb 21, 2020
As a programmer myself, I can say that I've been there, done that. But you learn some things too along the way.