The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


EMC - Jul 20, 2009

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! MAC 4 Life, my good man!

oddaustin - Jul 21, 2009

I loved it when you guys performed it at Nerdapalooza, but all finished it sounds even better! I'm quite glad to have even the smallest of cameos in a Devo Spice song, awesome work!

djseamus - Jul 21, 2009

I too, am a PC...but I only realized that after listening to this awesome rap song with "Spaceballs" references. I wouldn't having a toaster for a computer ...that would be sweet! E-mail, Facebook and a snack! yes kids, it's the "i-tart".

dice1342 - Jul 21, 2009

Awesome! Great job guys. I love the ending. "I know you are but what am I" Classy

madmanOTL - Jul 21, 2009

Great concept and very well done.

budsharpe - Jul 21, 2009

I like it! This is very well done. I'd call myself a Mac, but I'm more biOSual these days.

JakeWaters - Jul 21, 2009

That was great! I love this song!

Wingus - Jul 21, 2009

Oh, that was glorious. <3 Especially the Spaceballs reference.

lukeski - Jul 21, 2009

For the record, I'm a PC, because I'm too broke, stupid, and uncool to use a Mac. Just keeping it real. :) Very happy to have been a part of this awesome song! Thanks, Devo!

Insane Ian - Jul 21, 2009

Simply awesome. You guys rok'd this at Nerdapalooza, and the studio version is even more awesome. Mac FTW

dino-mike - Jul 21, 2009

This is a fumping awesome song!!! I've been also having these arguments for 10+ years... Mac 4 Life!

shoebox - Jul 21, 2009

...I mean Devo Spice songs. Goddammit, I suck at remembering new names. That's why I've only ever dated women named "Kim."

shoebox - Jul 21, 2009

One of my favorite Sudden Death songs ever. Very very nice. -=ShoEboX=-

seamonkey - Jul 21, 2009

Oh, one more thing... I was listening to the Beastie Boys when I came to check this out, and now I wanna hear more of the Spice Boys instead!

seamonkey - Jul 21, 2009

Dude(s)! This FuMP is all kindsa SWEETNESS! Devo Spice at his hip hoppin' best, I can just picture Luke Ski with glasses and pocket protector and the Dual Core Linux Toaster? BRILLIANT. Was that Eighty on the rap?
This song just made my day.

mrwompy - Jul 21, 2009

Cool!! Great job!! (But why did you let that duck get in the room when you were recording?)

maxgoof - Jul 21, 2009

Well done!!! Very funny! Especially poking fun at Linux. BTW, Open Office runs on PCs as well. I know, cuz I got it.

devospice - Jul 22, 2009

The beginning of Insane In The Brain by Cypress Hill says "Who you tryin' to get crazy with, ese? Don't you know I'm loco?" Here Luke says "Just whom are you trying to get crazy with, ese? Don't you know I know JoCo?" JoCo, Jonathan Coulton, is good friends with John Hodgman who plays The PC in Apple's commercials.

saganth - Jul 22, 2009

I'm a Mac and I think this song is long overdue. Love the Spaceballs line, totally unexpected! Just one question, what was it that Luke Ski said at the end? It got kinda garbled, and it's not listed in the lyrics.

squirreludecker - Jul 23, 2009

i would be using a Mac, but i cant afford it. hah. ive put mac osx on my laptop before, probably would have left it on there if my video card would have been supported.

voiceroy - Jul 23, 2009

High-quality and kickin'.

weirdojace - Jul 25, 2009

One time I saw this dude running Windows XP on his MacBook. Best of both worlds.

ProjectSisyphus - Jul 27, 2009

What a great take on the most annoying commercials ever. Little-known fact: the Mac guy, Justin Long, played young "Brandon" in Galaxy Quest.

steve fernino - Jul 27, 2009

I'm guessing I was that convert! LOL I don't do windows anymore. -Posted from my MacBook Pro -The artist formerly known as Piles from the group formerly known as Sudden Death PS... Running XP on a MacBook? BLASPHEMER! LOL (Well at least it's not Vista!)

marcgunn - Jul 29, 2009

Totally awesome... that and now I'm wishing I had a damn Mac! Thanks a lot!!! ;( grrrrr Why didn't I switch over... oh yeah, I like Adobe Audition. Frack!

Vladinatrix - Jul 31, 2009

I use whatever works. Now that MAC's are basically just BSD boxes, this song is highly ironic to me. Linux/Unix/BSD Fo LIFE!!!!

forestofthedead - Nov 27, 2009

Good stuff.

djseamus - May 27, 2010

This rap is still up and running after a couple of months! I am pleased to report that I have since become a Mac, and I've Got Garageband! :^)

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