The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


Carrie Dahlby - May 3, 2011

FIRST! :) I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but this song looked lonely. I LOVE the movie so I look forward to hearing the song. [Hilariously I originally typed "siong" which my Android corrected to "Simon".]

wildcard9 - May 3, 2011

This song is so shiny!! Thanks for premiering it at PenguiCon, you are right: the studio version is even better (and the live premier was fantastic to begin with).

nick007 - May 3, 2011

I rather the Possible Ocsar Firefly song Captain Mal (Aiming to Misbehave). Your singing voice for this Luke sounds kinda painful

Jeff Reuben - May 3, 2011

Cool, the movie is actually on SyFy tonight, surprised I haven't seen it before, it's my type of theme. Song sounded great, looking forward to getting more of the jokes :)

Insane Ian - May 5, 2011

I enjoy the puns in this one.

madmanOTL - May 5, 2011

Like the song and idea.

mattingly - May 7, 2011

Albatross? What flavor is it?

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