The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


wildcard9 - Jun 13, 2008

I need to go the parties you are going to. I never have that much fun at the ones I attend.

saganth - Jun 13, 2008

Oh lord.... my only question about this song has got to be, con hotel parties are't really like this... are they? (Never been to one of them - the parties, not the cons). Either way, funny stuff this one!

weirdojace - Jun 13, 2008

I've never been to a party before. Do they hurt?

Angela - Jun 13, 2008

Devo, you knocked another one out of the park with this song. This makes me grin ear to ear--it brings back so many awesome MarsCon memories! And I can't believe I got a mention in a Sudden Death song! That's a fangirl dream come true. *passes out*

Balder - Jun 13, 2008

I'm Party Rob, and I APPROVE this message.

DJ Particle - Jun 13, 2008

Tell me about it, Anime cons are BLAND compared to general fan cons! This song is SPOT ON, and yes, Rob Balder *has* actually done that for 2 MarsCons running now! :)

A-Log - Jun 13, 2008

Now this is something you wouldn't expect to see much at an anime convention; and I've been to many in the NY-NJ area. Funny stuff guys, funny stuff. Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto

Insane Ian - Jun 13, 2008

Amazing. Hysterical.

So jealous. Wish i thought of it, but you killed it WAY better than I could, so that makes up for it ^_^

Insane Ian

darkNES - Jun 13, 2008

I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. Also, this is extremely hot.

MrTuesday - Jun 13, 2008

100% accurate. And Party Rob immortalized in song. Perfect.

Waffleking - Jun 13, 2008

Great stuff! You guys forgot one thing though, the party doesn't start until Chris Waffle arrives!

budsharpe - Jun 13, 2008

*scratches song off list of potential parody ideas* This is the best song I've heard on a Friday this week! But seriously, I love it! Can Sudden Death ever be topped?

dino-mike - Jun 13, 2008

Good times to be had.

madmanOTL - Jun 13, 2008

Very funny and accurate.

lukeski - Jun 13, 2008

Saganth, to answer your question: Yes, yes they are. You all really need to get to MarsCon. And me streaking is nothing compared to what PartyRob Balder will do. Thanks Devo for letting me be a part of this song! It is awesome!!! EXTERMINATE!!! :D

chewy's brother - Jun 13, 2008

"Luke Ski's in the corner getting ready to streak" OW! Good song, but must gouge out brain to remove that mental image.

sbscace53 - Jun 14, 2008

I hear those parties you have are pretty wild. You even let Byron Lee come in and he's the biggest geek evar!

jimmyknocker - Jun 15, 2008

That is SERIOUSLY Messed Up! LOL

devospice - Jun 15, 2008

Thanks everyone. I'm glad people are enjoying this track. I'm really happy with it. Now, those of you who are going to be partying at Convergence, please take video so I can use some of that footage in a future video of this song. :)

Hurricane - Jun 15, 2008

Wowzers! Words fail me as I attempt to describe how cool this song is, so I shall use this humble smiley instead :) One curious thing to ponder though: If Darleks can rap, can they also break dance? Ah, the wonders which Sudden Death and The great Luke Ski leave us all with ^_^

peterfump9 - Jun 15, 2008

(Room 1327, eh?) Another great song by Sudden Death. What else is new?

shoebox - Jun 16, 2008

Truly a glorious tribute to con parties. And yes, unbelievers, thoroughly accurate, to the point that, at Dragon*Con, you'll actually run into (to quote my wife) "jocks pretending to be geeks to get laid." Oh, and because Devo didn't mention it, I hereby claim credit for the "!" retort to "Nuhhh...Beam Me Up Scotty." That totally really happened. -=ShoEboX=-

lukeski - Jun 16, 2008

In addition to that, there are also jocks pretending to be geeks to get free alcohol. Sometimes, there's even drunk Hockey Dads and their punk kids trying to invade the parties, and that's when we call in reinforcements from the UK to bust some mundane heads.

lukeski - Jun 16, 2008

In addition to that, there are also jocks pretending to be geeks to get free alcohol. Sometimes, there's even drunk Hockey Dads and their punk kids trying to invade the parties, and that's when we call in reinforcements from the UK to bust some mundane heads.

davidtanny - Jun 25, 2008

He's a supergeek, supergeek, supergeeky, yeah!

Flyingtartufo - Jul 3, 2008

Ever thought of preforming at the San Diego Comi-Con?

devospice - Jul 6, 2008

Flyingtartufo, can you get me in there? :)

lukeski - Jul 6, 2008

I performed at San Diego Comic-Con in 2006. :)

tiny - Jul 15, 2008

this song is hilarious though i have yet to go to a true con as a member of the camarilla fan club i have been to the parties that my local domain is famous for

voiceroy - Sep 3, 2008

Dead on summary of the con party experience, except that it doesn't reference hentai, vomit, or "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." But other than that, I really enjoyed it. I don't drink so I always end up being the designated prop/costume accessory-carrier at cons. It makes me a dork, but at least I'm first in line for panels the next morning while my friends are still sleeping or puking (or sleeping in their puke) in their hotel rooms.

forestofthedead - Nov 27, 2009

Really good song.

01010110 - May 10, 2010

The Dalek made me laugh becaus i'm working on a Dalek costume for a con next year. and Captain jack making out with Captain jack, priceless.

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