The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


madmanOTL - Apr 26, 2024

I had a full nerdgasm when hearing the song the first time. It takes something special to make something great better and this did that.

lukeski - Apr 27, 2024

Thank you, but also damn you, Devo Spice! :D

PowerSalad - Apr 27, 2024

Yeah. I know frak-all about Star Trek post-Deep Dish Pie, but this once again had my space units bopping, or something. Yay! OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY

Father Beast - Apr 28, 2024

If you count Bacon 2: Electric Boogaloo, is this the second time you have made a sequel to a Luke Ski song?

A-Log - Apr 30, 2024

Just like the bit from Jim Samuels; it's all the Star Trek shows rolled into one! Might be a lot for the weekly Wacked-Out Five countdown; but I have had longer songs on the weekly countdown on my show before...

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