The FuMP

Available on the Following Albums


maxgoof - Jan 13, 2009

Oh, this is very good... A little sound effects would enhance it, I think. It wasn't until I read the lyrics that I really got it. It's just too close to the original. Mercy Malick is quite a good singer.

devospice - Jan 13, 2009

This is awesome!

Knarf - Jan 13, 2009

I'm just waiting for Mercy to suck it up and just join the FUMP herself

ProjectSisyphus - Jan 13, 2009

Knarf, she would except she's

filkertom - Jan 13, 2009

That is, like, three and a half hoots. - Jan 13, 2009

Thanks for the comments, kids!

Wow, it would be megafantasticawesome to get Mercy in a video for this. Hmm....

rick cormier - Jan 14, 2009

I love this song. Excellent from the writing to the vocal to the mix. But the line, "where I know how good the spiders on the wall taste". made me howl! You ain't right, Spaff. You ain't right.

mrwompy - Jan 14, 2009

I found this to be particular scary since I recently had to do some work in the tight crawl space under my mother-in-law's house. Great song!

Carrie Dahlby - Jan 15, 2009

Nice job -- I've tagged this to be played at my wedding in May. :)

djseamus - Jan 19, 2009

Ahhhhh....a nice, family, friendly, entrapment song just in time for Saint Valentine's. The drum riffs could be a bit more interesting, but still and all, an awesome country song to add to the list of boot-kickin', down-home Fump hootenannies such as "I think Monroe Shot Rudolph", "Kiss This (Hey IRS)" and Seamonkey's immortal classic "I'm in Love Wit Muh Sister".

ProjectSisyphus - Jan 20, 2009

Carrie I want to be in your wedding band! And congratulations BTW!

posom2 - Feb 10, 2009

Awesome, but why's the average score so low?

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